Dual Enrollment Credential Grant DECR

2017 Wisconsin Act 206 created the Dual Enrollment Credential Grant to assist high school teachers to meet the minimum qualification requirements of the Higher Learning Commission for eligibility to teach dual enrollment courses.

Teachers may not apply directly for the grant. The grant application must be completed and submitted by the school district (if Public) or by the school (if Charter or Private school).

$500,000.00 is available annually with awards to be made to five categories:

  • School Districts with less than 650 pupils
  • School Districts between 650 – 1,600 pupils
  • School Districts with more than 1,600 pupils
  • Charter Schools
  • Private Schools

Grant Process

The grant covers coursework in the pursuit of classes to enable dual enrollment credentialling. Eligible courses must have been taken during the summer and / or fall terms (before the grant application window) or the spring term (during the grant application window).


The application for the grant typically opens in late February or early March. Send an email to HEABmail@wisconsin.gov or directly to Peter Zammuto if you want to be added to the email distribution list for this program.

Required Reporting

If your school district (public) or school (private or charter) received funds during the previous funding period, you are required to provide reporting regarding the previous funding. The reporting will be conducted via an emailed survey sent to the contact listed on the previous year’s application.

No new funds will be issued until the mandatory reporting is completed.

Grant Application Period is currently closed.

For questions or concerns, please contact:

Peter Zammuto
Phone: (608) 267-2209
Email: peter.zammuto@wi.gov